
President ratifies the Food Safety Act

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has ratified the Food Safety Act (Act No. 6/2024). The Parliament passed the Bill at the twenty-sixth sitting of its first session this year on May 13.

The Food Safety Act of Maldives provides a comprehensive framework for regulating food safety. It ensures that all food products, whether locally produced, imported, or exported, are free from harmful substances and comply with established standards.

The Act outlines the procedures and standards for food safety that all stakeholders in the food industry must adhere to. These procedures and standards are designed to ensure food items are safe for human consumption.

The primary objective of the Act is to establish standards for various aspects of food production and preparation, including packaging, labeling, preservation, storage, trade, supply, and distribution. It also details the licensing requirements for establishments involved in these processes and specifies hygiene standards for individuals engaged in these operations to guarantee the safety of food items.

The Food Safety Act was published in the Government Gazette upon ratification and will go into effect in three months.