
First Lady calls IUM a historic haven sparking Islamic change

First Lady Sajidha Mohamed has described the Islamic University of the Maldives (IUM) as a historical haven that has recently brought revolutionary changes in Maldivian Islamic society. She made the remarks while speaking at the inauguration of the IUM graduation ceremony.

Speaking at the ceremony, First Lady Sajidha highlighted that the university, established in the early 1980s, serves as a vital institution built by numerous contributors across various fields. She also emphasised that many graduates from IUM have gone on to serve in diverse sectors.

Additionally, First Lady Sajidha noted that the IUM has significantly transformed Islamic society in recent years. She said that the university has produced professionals essential for the country's development, including medical doctors, architects, engineers, judges, lawyers, journalists, teachers, imams, writers, and speakers.

Furthermore, First Lady Sajidha underscored that true learning extends beyond obtaining a certificate and it encompasses developing abilities. She stressed the importance of interpersonal skills, communication, critical evaluation, and the capacity to make improvements. She urged graduates to remain faithful to the values instilled by the IUM and encouraged them not to discontinue their educational pursuits post-graduation.