
Anti-Human Trafficking Steering Committee holds first meeting

The newly formed National Anti-Human Trafficking Steering Committee (NATC) has held its inaugural meeting, marking a significant step in the fight against human trafficking in Maldives. Chaired by the Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology, the committee emphasised the critical tasks ahead to prevent human trafficking.

The National Anti-Human Trafficking Steering Committee comprises 10 members

  • Chairman: Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology
  • Legal Expert: A lawyer from the Attorney General's Office
  • Immigration Officer: Representative from Maldives Immigration
  • Customs Officer: Representative from Maldives Customs Service
  • Police Representative: Officer from the Maldives Police Service
  • Labor Relations Authority: Employee of the Labor Relations Authority
  • Economic Development: Employee from the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
  • Internal Security: Employee from the Ministry of Internal Security and Technology
  • Social and Family Development: Employee from the Ministry of Social and Family Development
  • NGO Representative: Representative from an organisation involved in anti-human trafficking work

During its first meeting, the committee resolved to focus on several key elements of the National Strategic Action Plan (NSAP) aimed at reducing human trafficking. As such, implementing programmes to educate and train frontline employees from relevant agencies on preventing human trafficking and enhancing efforts to bolster the prosecution process against human traffickers were included.

Additionally, the Ministry of Internal Security and Technology committed to reviewing and amending regulations, examining and updating existing rules and regulations related to human trafficking crimes and collaborating with relevant agencies and associations to ensure comprehensive protection for victims.