
Gov't signs agreement with MACL, creating jobs for people with disabilities

Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) and the Ministry of Social and Family Development have officially signed an agreement to initiate an internship programme, facilitating work experience and training opportunities for people with disabilities.

The agreement was formally signed by Deputy Managing Director of MACL, Mohamed Lam'aan, and Minister of State for Social and Family Development, Ahmed Athif. Under the agreement, MACL will offer comprehensive support to participants in this programme, aiming to integrate individuals with disabilities into the workforce.

Moreover, the current administration has been actively working to create training opportunities for individuals with disabilities, enabling them to acquire a diverse set of skills and establish their identity within society. Efforts include facilitating apprenticeship programmes and engaging private administrative bodies in discussions to extend training opportunities. This initiative is designed to identify the interests and capabilities of these individuals, providing a foundation for employers to better understand and accommodate their needs.

The Ministry of Social and Family Development also emphasised the government's focus on empowering people with disabilities to become independent. Expressing optimism, the ministry hopes that such initiatives will inspire others to offer similar opportunities, thus fostering an inclusive society. The administration has also developed special regulations to provide employment opportunities and ensure easier access for people with disabilities to various institutions, further supporting their active engagement in society.