
Treatment of families from Syria-Turkey border progressing well: Gov't

Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan has stated that the treatment of families relocated to the Maldives from the Syria-Turkey border is progressing well. He made the statement during an exclusive interview with PSM News.

Speaking to PSM News, Minister Ihusaan emphasised many individuals in war zones are innocent children in serious need. He expressed his commitment to ensuring the protection and rights of these children. He noted that over 100 individuals still need to be brought back to the Maldives, most of whom are children. He also said that the primary challenge lies in verifying their Maldivian nationality.

Additionally, Minister Ihusaan noted the significant difficulty in biometrically confirming identities, describing it as a phased process. He also said that the initial phase involves gaining access to these regions through diplomatic efforts by their teams.

Furthermore, Minister Ihusaan highlighted the success of the National Reintegration Centre (NRC). He also said that the last family released from the NRC is integrating well into the community, and current patients are also receiving effective treatment.

The government has relocated 21 individuals from five distressed families at the Syrian-Turkish border to the Maldives in January. The group comprised 15 children, five women, and one man. They are currently receiving necessary treatment at the NRC before reintegrating into society.

The NRC has four blocks designed to accommodate displaced families. It includes one for women, one for boys under 18, one for men over 18, and one for families. The centre has a capacity to accommodate 72 individuals and five families simultaneously.