
Two metal detectors installed in Maafushi Prison: Gov't

Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan has announced the installation of two metal detectors in Maafushi Prison, Kaafu Atoll, aimed at preventing the smuggling of phones, drugs, and money laundering activities. He also revealed plans to install a body scan machine in the near future. The updates were shared during an exclusive interview with PSM News.

Despite ongoing challenges with smuggling phones and drugs into Maldivian prisons, the government is strengthening its efforts to combat these practices. The Ministry of Homeland Security an Technology is focused on preventing scam calls originating from prisons.

Speaking to PSM News, Minister Ihusaan highlighted the government's measures against scam calls, noting that the recent installation of two metal detectors at Maafushi Prison is a significant step forward. He added that a body scanning machine will be operational by July, marking another crucial move towards addressing the issue.

Additionally, Minister Ihusaan noted the importance of raising public awareness to combat scam calls. He also committed to extensive awareness campaigns and stressed the need for quick action to protect citizens.

Furthermore, Minister Ihusaan underscored the importance of protocols for recovering stolen money. He expressed optimism that these protocols, currently under development, would soon provide effective solutions. He noted the growing threat of cybercrime and mentioned the establishment of a National Cyber Security Agency by President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu in March this year. He also said that the agency is currently in construction and workforce to effectively prevent and defend against cyber offenses.

The latest statistics released from the Maldives Police Service (MPS) show that there have been 28,003 reported cases of fraudulent extortion since 2021, with losses exceeding USD4 million. The scams often involve fraudulent transactions related to flats, land plots, various promotions, online businesses, and USD transactions, with many originating from prisons. To address this, a "Scam Centre" will be established this year to expedite the identification and resolution of scam cases in collaboration with relevant authorities.