
Gov’t reaffirms commitment to fishermen's concerns amid protests

Minister of Fisheries and Ocean Resources Ahmed Shiyam has stated the administration will continue to address the demands and concerns of fishermen noting the administration is committed to solving every issue. His statement comes in response to a protest held by fishermen in Addu City.

In a social media post, Minister Shiyam emphasised the government has been closely monitoring the situation of fishermen even before the protest and will continue to do so. He highlighted that the administration and the Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) have been actively sharing updates on their efforts to address the concerns raised by the fishing community.

In an interview with PSM News, Minister Shiyam revealed that he personally spoke with the organizers of the protest. He assured them the government is dedicated to fulfilling its promises to the fishermen.

The primary demands from the fishermen include the timely payment of money owed to them by the administration, specifically within 15 days of fish purchases. Minister Shiyam reiterated the government's commitment to this issue, noting the tireless efforts being made to meet these demands.

He urged the fishermen to protest peacefully and to refrain from damaging government property. The current administration inherited a significant backlog of unpaid dues, totaling USD 16 million, from the previous administration. Since taking office, they have been working diligently to clear this backlog.

Last week, the government paid USD 2.98 million to the fishermen, with around USD 2.9 million still outstanding. To date, the administration has disbursed a total of USD 57 million to the fishermen.

The government remains committed to resolving these issues and supporting the fishing community, recognising their vital role in the nation's economy and livelihood.