
Maldives signs the “Samoa Agreement”

The Maldives has signed the "Partnership Agreement between the European Union (EU) and its Member States, of the one part, and the Members of the Organisation of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), of the other part," also known as the "Samoa Agreement." The signing ceremony took place at the OACPS headquarters in Brussels, with Ambassador Geela Ali representing the Maldives.

Along with the agreement, the Maldives submitted declarations and reservations to specific articles. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted that this agreement will serve as an overarching framework for the relationship between the EU and OACPS for the next twenty years. It is expected to strengthen the capacity of OACPS member countries to address global challenges, focusing on priority areas such as democracy and human rights, sustainable economic growth and development, climate change, human and social development, peace and security, and migration and mobility.

This marks the first partnership agreement between the Maldives and the EU, setting the stage for enhanced cooperation in various fields, including economic development, trade, environment, and climate change. The agreement will also enable OACPS member states to benefit from EU support.

The Samoa Agreement unites 79 OACPS member states and 27 EU member states, representing close to 2 billion people with diverse socio-economic backgrounds. This coalition represents more than half of the United Nations' member states.

The OACPS, established in 1975 under the "Georgetown Agreement," includes African, Caribbean, and Pacific States. The Maldives became a full member of the OACPS on December 9, 2022, and has since been collaborating with OACPS members and the EU to tackle global challenges.