
Ministry to rank agencies that bring in expatriates

The Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology has decided to rank the agencies that bring in expatriates to ensure a proper system and address the problem of illegal expatriates. The government is working towards a comprehensive solution to regularize illegal immigrants and prevent them from illegally operating local businesses.

In a programme aired on PSM News, Deputy Minister Ashraf Mohamed Ali emphasised that solving the issue of illegal immigrants requires addressing all related problems simultaneously. He highlighted that strengthening the agencies responsible for bringing immigrant workers to the country is a crucial step in this process.

Ashraf stated that the ministry will rank agency operators through a robust system to ensure they provide honest and quality services. He noted that ranking these agencies and developing a strong system will help stop the smuggling of immigrants.

The Ministry of Homeland Security has reported numerous cases of immigrants being illegally smuggled into the country and then left to fend for themselves without any responsible party. According to the constitution, foreign workers can only be brought into the country if there are available vacancies and they are eligible for the work through relevant agencies. However, instances of immigrants bypassing these regulations have been reported.