
No difficulty in paying for students studying abroad: Gov't

The Ministry of Finance has disbursed USD 780,000 to Maldivian students studying abroad by July 4 alone.

Speaking to PSM New, Minister of State for Finance Ahmed Mazin said there is significant demand during January and July, as these are months when new courses commence. Highlighting the substantial number of Maldivian students studying overseas, he noted that USD 780,000 had already been disbursed by July 4. He also confirmed that further disbursements are scheduled for this week and the next.

Meanwhile, Minister of State for the Ministry of Higher Education, Employment and Skills Development Ahmed Shafiu emphasised that despite government spending cuts, there have been no reductions in the allocated funds or loans for students. He clarified that there have been no ongoing discussions to change these provisions.

Additionally, State Minister Shafiu explained that financial matters pertaining to students are managed by the finance ministry. Once the required amounts are determined for students, he said that they are forwarded to the finance ministry for disbursement.

Maldivian students abroad have their course fees, health insurance, and visa expenses covered under government expenses.