
President announces allocation of USD 12 million for HR development

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has decided to allocate USD 12 million from the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) budget for human resources development, starting from next year onwards. The announcement was made in his address at the ceremony held to award the Presidential and High Achiever's Scholarships.

Speaking at the ceremony, President Dr. Muizzu highlighted that students achieve their goals after overcoming several challenges and obstacles. The president encouraged students to work hard to be successful in their higher education years, and prioritise serving their nation. He implored students to be bound by Islamic faith and to return to their roots, the parents, and guardians, to whom they owe their academic success, for their countless struggles throughout their academic life.

Furthermore, President Dr. Miuzzu noted that many students who study abroad are hesitant or reluctant to come back to serve the nation. Aiming to address the issue, the president reiterated the government's overarching goal of resolving the housing crisis. He expressed confidence that resolving this issue will pave the path for students to come back to the Maldives and start their own lives conveniently.

Additionally, President Dr. Muizzu announced that the administration would prioritise increasing employment categories reserved for locals, along with a fair remuneration to accompany it. The president added that the priority given in the state budget to national progress would also extend to human resource development. He emphasised that numerous educated locals are opting for employment opportunities abroad due to inadequate compensation within the country. He also announced the administration’s plans to earmark USD 12 million from next year onwards to enhance the remuneration packages of such individuals who demonstrate academic excellence.

Noting that these initiatives of the government will encourage students to return to the Maldives and serve the nation in various fields, President Dr. Muizzu stated that it will undoubtedly assist in the national economic development in the long run. The president further mentioned that these opportunities will also be available within the private sector, from next year onwards. He called onto the local students seeking higher education and living abroad, to make plans to return to serve the nation. He, additionally, underscored the government's committed efforts in developing the society, infrastructure, and the economy, while increasing the salaries for skilled labourers and resolving the housing crisis.