
Gov't urges Maldivians residing in Bangladesh to remain cautious

Ministry of Foreign Affairs has urged all Maldivians residing and travelling to Bangladesh to remain cautious, following the conflicts currently occurring in the country.

In a statement released, the ministry advised all Maldivian individuals residing or travelling to Bangladesh, to follow the orders of the Bangladeshi administration and refrain from going outdoors during this period. The ministry additionally requested them to follow the measures and advises given by the High Commission of the Maldives to Bangladesh.

In the statement, the ministry stated that the government is exerting efforts to ensure the safety and security of the Maldivian students in Bangladesh and locals living in the country as well. It has stated that if additional assistant is required by any individual, to contact the High Commission of the Maldives to Bangladesh directly.

Several violent protests have been ongoing in Bangladesh against the quota system and policies implemented by the government during recruiting employees. Majority of those partaking in the protests include students seeking higher education in colleges and universities. The death toll in clashes between protesters and Bangladesh police has risen to 12.

The police has been utilising weapons such as rubber bullets and tear gas, aiming to stop the protests. Meanwhile, protesters have also been clashing with the police force using wooden sticks and such weapons. Additionally, members of the ruling Awami League Party also started clashes against the protesters.