
PSM attends Global News Forum

Public Service Media (PSM) has taken part in the 2024 Global News Forum, held in Bangkok, Thailand, from July 17 to 19. Managing Director Zeena Zahir and Deputy Managing Director Abdulla Yamin represented the company at the forum.

The Global News Forum, under the theme The Future of News, explores how news is becoming increasingly influenced by artificial intelligence and algorithms, and how to build best practices in the news industry. International news leaders are taking part in the forum.

The forum included the launch of the Future of News report, the Asiavision Awards Gala and meetings of the ABU News Group. Furthermore, topics such as the changing relationship between news organisations and social media companies, climate change in the newsroom – more disasters, more emergency coverage and the battle for relevance; listening to and learning from audiences are discussed during the forum.

The sessions at the forum focused on a range of crucial topics including the future of news amidst digital transformation, the impact and ethical considerations of generative AI, and the evolving relationship between news organisations and social media platforms. They highlighted the importance of truth and trust in democratic societies, the growing significance of climate change coverage, and the need for newsrooms to engage and learn from their audiences.

Additionally, the sessions looked ahead to predict emerging trends and challenges in the media landscape.

This year’s forum was hosted by Thai PBS. The first day included a tour of Thai PBS’s media studios and a welcoming remark by the Director General of Thai PBS Wilasinee Phiphitkul.