
RTL services commence in Noonu Atoll

The national transport link, Raajje Transport Link (RTL) has commenced in 13 inhabited islands across Noonu Atoll. The service was inaugurated by the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation Mohamed Ameen and the Minister of Cities, Local Government and Public Works Adam Shareef Umar, in a special ceremony held at Manadhoo, Noonu Atoll.

The task of linking the islands nationwide through transportation services has been assigned to the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC), with operations divided into six primary zones. While the services have commenced for 13 islands of Noonu Atoll, RTL has established connections with a total of 81 islands of nine atolls, through ferry transportation services.

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister Adam Shareef highlighted that the dire need of the service to the islands, underscoring the governments' steadfast commitment to provide high-quality services to all. The minister stated that local Councils play a pivotal role in expanding such services.

During the event, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of MTCC Abdulla Ziyaadh disclosed that RTL services will be provided within Noonu Atoll through three primary routes. He also assured that the network will soon extend to connect other atolls with Noonu Atoll.

The RTL services in the atoll will be provided using two ferries, each with a capacity of 50 passengers. For the first week of operation, travel will be free of charge. A schedule will be issued on August 1, based on resident demand, and fees will be implemented from that date onwards.