
Gov't vows to secure homeland issues, ensure independence

Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan has affirmed his commitment to addressing homeland security issues in a way that ensures the nation's independence remains unshaken. He made the remarks during an exclusive interview on a PSM News programme.

Speaking to PSM News, Minister Ihusaan said that he seized the opportunity to become a minister when the new government was formed. As such, he emphasised that homeland security is one of the most challenging areas in the Maldives. He also warned that if these issues are not resolved swiftly, the country's independence could be at risk.

Additionally, Minister Ihusaan acknowledged that decisions regarding internal affairs cannot satisfy everyone but stressed their importance. He stated that only a minister, following directives from President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, can make such decisions. He said that he is prioritising the most crucial issues as a minister. He also said that with strong determination from a country’s leader, success is attainable.

Furthermore, Minister Ihusaan highlighted the importance of loyalty, integrity, and service in public institutions. He emphasised the need to closely examine the true meaning of integrity, noting that not everyone possesses such qualities. He is also promoting the establishment of high ethical standards within the ministry's areas of operation.