
Guest houses put 900 more beds on market

Statistics released by the Ministry of Tourism has indicated that the bed capacity has expanded by 900 beds from guest houses for tourism in the past seven months.

Initially, the operational bed count was reported as 13,657 beds across 809 guest houses. However, as of July 23, the updated figures indicate a total of 14,615 beds operating from 867 guest houses, marking an increase of 958 beds in total. It brings the nation's tourism bed capacity to 62,481 beds, comprising 42,955 beds from resorts, 14,615 from guest houses, 2,955 from safaris, and 1,956 from hotels.

Currently, there are 1,207 tourist facilities in operation, encompassing 174 resorts, 867 guest houses, 152 safaris, and 14 hotels.