
Parliamentarian Thoriq resigns from PNC's Deputy PG Leader's position

Parliamentarian Ahmed Thoriq has resigned from his position as the Deputy Parliamentary Group (PG) Leader of the People's National Congress (PNC).

Regarding the resignation, PNC's PG Leader Parliamentarian Ibrahim Falah stated that Thoriq's resignation was not related to any party-related affairs. He disclosed that Thoriq's resignation letter indicated his priority in giving more time to his business. Additionally, on a post shared on social media, Parliamentarian Thoriq also stated that his resignation was due to personal responsibilities.

In addition to Parliamentarian Thoriq, Parliamentarian Mohamed Ismail and Parliamentarian Mohamed Shahid also serve as the Deputy PG Leaders of PNC. The Deputy Senior PG Leader is Parliamentarian Ibrahim Shujau.

The Parliament consists of 75 PNC members in total.