
KFAED grants loan to enhance Maldivian healthcare system

Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) has granted a loan of USD9.8 million to enhance and strengthen the healthcare system of the Maldives.

The loan agreement under the Small Islands Hospital Project was signed by the Minister of Finance Dr. Mohamed Shafeeq and the Acting Director General of the KFAED Waleed Al- Bahar. The signing ceremony was attended by the Minister of Health Dr. Abdulla Khaleel and high-profile dignitaries from Ministry of Finance and the Embassy of Kuwait in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

The Small Islands Hospital Project aims to deliver high-quality and advanced healthcare services across all atolls nationwide. The finance ministry expressed confidence that the project will decrease travel expenses for healthcare and ensure improved healthcare services for both residents and tourists.

The health ministry outlined that the hospital development project will involve renovating hospital buildings and upgrading electro-technical works of the services provided by the hospital. It additionally includes providing furniture and informational posters, preparing bidding documents, recruiting engineers for maintenance, and establishing a dedicated unit for project implementation.