
Fenaka says new powerplant in Addu will provide a permanent solution

Fenaka Corporation Limited has stated that the new power plant of 32 megawatts will provide a permanent solution to the concerns raised by the citizens of Addu City regarding the electricity service in the city. The corporation states that the new power plant will be developed within two years.

Chief Technical Officer Abdullah Nashith disclosed that Fenaka is working to hand over the project to solve the electricity issue in Addu to China's Dong Fang Electric Company. He noted that the project will be carried out on a contractor finance basis and added that the preparation of the EIA report and the survey has commenced.

Furthermore, Nashith stated that the new power plant will use the best quality brand engine currently in use in the world. He also disclosed that the existing electricity network in Addu will be converted to a modern grid. He further added that the company will be providing a temporary solution to the problem this month by providing the city with an engine of 1.6 megawatts.

Addu has been experiencing power outages for more than five years, due to capacity shortages and network issues. Even though an agreement was signed with a Chinese company early in the last government to develop a power plant of 20 megawatts at a cost of USD 2.4 million, it was stalled for various reasons. While the entire project was estimated to cost USD 2.8 million, more than USD 4.9 million has been spent on the project so far. Despite such a huge expenditure, the project remains unfinished, without even a temporary solution to the problem.