
High Commission urges Maldivians in UK to register

The High Commission of the Maldives in the United Kingdom has requested all Maldivians residing in the UK to register in the High Commission. The commission revealed that individuals can register themselves via the consular email, and urged all to contact the High Commission in emergency situations.

The call for registration comes in response to recent unrest in the UK. Violent protests have erupted in Sunderland, a northeast city in the UK, following the killing of three children in Southport. These events were fuelled by misinformation circulating on social media, which inaccurately identified the suspect as a Muslim migrant. Anti-immigrant demonstrators threw stones at police in riot gear near a mosque in the city before overturning vehicles, setting a car alight and starting a fire next to a police office.

The demonstration in Sunderland was one of more than a dozen planned by anti-immigration protesters across the UK, including in the vicinity of at least two mosques in Liverpool, the closest city to where the children were killed. Several anti-racism counter-protests were also planned. British police have been deployed extensively, and mosques are implementing increased security measures.

Due to the anti-Muslim protests currently occurring in the country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has urged all Maldivians residing and travelling to the UK to remain cautious, especially those residing in Southport and nearby areas. The ministry urged all Maldivian citizens in the UK to adhere to the guidance provided by the High Commission. It emphasised the importance of remaining vigilant, staying informed about the evolving situation, and prioritising personal safety. It also recommended avoiding areas of unrest, particularly Southport, and adhering to directives from local authorities. Maldivians requiring additional support are encouraged to reach out to the High Commission directly.