
Parliament Speaker says he will fulfill responsibilities under Constitution

Speaker of Parliament Abdul Raheem Abdulla has affirmed his commitment to upholding the responsibilities assigned to him by the Constitution of the Maldives. He made the statement during the 16th anniversary of the adoption of the constitution.

Speaking to the Parliament, Speaker Abdul Raheem expressed gratitude to the parliamentarians for their contributions to drafting the Constitution. He also extended appreciation to Parliamentarian Gasim Ibrahim for his role in presiding over the parliamentary session during the drafting process.

Additionally, Speaker Abdul Raheem assured that the Parliament will diligently perform its duties in safeguarding the rights enshrined in the constitution, fulfilling the responsibilities entrusted to it, and holding institutions accountable.

The current constitution, which was ratified on August 7, 2008, by Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, was drafted in 2004. It has been in effect for 16 years and empowers the Parliament with significant authority.