
Villa College signs with Fenaka for employee training

Fenaka Corporation Limited and Villa College have signed an agreement to conduct training programmes for Fenaka employees and to research the services provided by the corporation.

The agreement was signed by Managing Director of Fenaka Muaz Mohamed Rasheed and Vice Rector of Villa College Dr. Ali Najeeb. Following the signing, both parties discussed the implementation of joint programmes.

Under the agreement, various trainings will be provided for Fenaka employees in relevant fields, with a focus on certifying technical staff to the standards set by the Utility Regulatory Authority (URA). Currently, many Fenaka employees possess technical skills but lack nationally recognised certification. As such, the initiative aims to elevate their qualifications to professional standards accepted in the industry.

Fenaka stated the agreement with Villa College will also encompass research on its services. The goal is to gather public opinion on the current services provided by Fenaka and collect the necessary information to enhance service quality.

Fenaka serves about 150 islands across the country, providing electricity, maintaining water supply, and managing sewerage systems. The company employs over 4,000 technical staff across various fields.