
USD 12M paid in fees for expatriate workers: Gov't

The Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology has announced that individuals have paid a total of USD 12 million in fees and penalties related to expatriate workers in the Maldives. It follows the release of a list of expatriates whose fees have not been paid.

The list which was published on July 24, set a deadline for the state to collect fines from individuals owing more than USD 6,500 in fees and penalties to foreign workers. The ministry identified 1,026 entities, including businesses and individuals across various sectors, whose outstanding fees and fines exceed USD 6,500.

The list revealed that the 1,026 entities owe a total of USD 41 million, with a deadline of August 12 to settle the debt. By the end of the deadline, USD 12 million had been recovered. However, the government is still owed USD 29 million. The list also revealed that 123 companies owe more than a million to the state, with some debts exceeding USD 1.7 million.

The government is addressing the issue of illegal foreign workers in the Maldives. As part of this effort, a regularisation programme has been launched to identify foreigners by collecting fingerprints and facial recognition data across all residential islands, resorts, industrial and agricultural islands.