
Mayor Azim assures he will work with the government

Male’ City Council Mayor Adam Azim has assured that he would work with the government to solve the problems faced by the public. He made the remarks on a programme of PSM News.

Speaking on the programme Azim disclosed that he has held discussions with various ministers since he took office, sharing the difficulties faced by the public in the city. He noted that the government started work to solve these issues following the discussions with the city council. As such, Azim highlighted the administrative efforts to solve the issue of illegal expatriates and road congestion.

Noting the past of the city council and the then government failing to work together due to difference in opinion, Azim stated that this did not fruit any positive results to the development of the city. He added that the city’s development has been neglected for years and noted that everyone needs to work together to achieve their set goals. Azim noted the importance of working together to enforce the laws and regulations.

Azim also stated that the system is set up in a way that the council and the government needs to work together to achieve developmental goals. He added that he will work with the government to serve the people and fulfil their expectations.

The government has also assured that it is willing to work with the Male’ City Council for the development of the city. As such, the Minister of Cities, Local Government and Public Works Adam Shareef Umar has stated that the ministry is working closely with the City Council to solve the issues faced by residents of Male’ City. Noting that this is the first time that a member of the opposition party is working together with the government, Adam Shareef praised Azim for his workplace professionalism.