
Addu City has the necessary qualities to be a developed tourist destination

Minister of Cities, Local Government and Public Works Adam Shareef has stated that Addu City has the necessary qualities to be developed as a tourist destination. He made the remarks during the opening ceremony of the Destination Addu Summit, in Addu Equator Village.

Taking the podium at the ceremony, Minister Adam Shareef stated that Addu has all the qualities needed to make tourism a success and noted that the city has special characteristics both naturally and historically. As such, he noted the city’s special dialect and stories that can be connected to different countries.

Minister Adam Shareef assured that the government will provide the city with all the necessary assistance and cooperation in its efforts to promote tourism. Noting that Addu is the largest city of the country, the Minister encouraged everyone to work together to develop the city.

Adding that Addu account for the largest percentage of employees working in the tourism industry in Maldives, the minister noted that the city has several businessmen who are already investing in the tourism sector. He noted that this gives the city a number of investor options.

The Destination Addu Summit: One Brand One Story organized by Addu City Council kicked off with 110 participants. The summit will hold a wide range of discussions on the obstacles and difficulties in expanding tourism in Addu City, as well as plans to further develop tourism in the city.