
Higher education ministry notes digital innovation in education at global conference

Minister of Higher Education, Labour, and Skills Development Dr. Mariyam Marya has reaffirmed the government's commitment to enhancing the education system through digital innovation.

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony of the Global Smart Education Conference (GSEC) 2024 in China, Dr. Marya emphasised the government's focus on leveraging technology to improve educational systems across all islands in the Maldives. She acknowledged the challenges posed by the geographical distribution of the islands and atolls in ensuring inclusive and equal educational opportunities. However, she expressed the government's determination to overcome these obstacles and provide equitable access to the benefits of digital advancements in education.

In her address, Dr. Marya highlighted the critical importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) literacy within the education system. She stressed the need to develop ethical policies and exercise caution in the use of AI, underscoring the importance of equipping both students and teachers with a deep understanding of AI. The minister also advocated for the inclusion of AI education in the national curriculum to prepare the younger generation for the future.

Dr. Marya is currently on an official visit to China at the invitation of Beijing Normal University. During her visit, she will serve as a panelist in the "Round Table on Women’s Leadership in the Age of AI" and participate in the "Development and Use of Digital Textbook Forum," organized by Beijing Normal University.