
President re-establishes the "Maldives Food and Drug Authority"

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has re-established the "Maldives Food and Drug Authority". The authority was re-established by the president under Section 8(a) of the Food Safety Act.

With the re-establishment of the MFDA, is now designated as an authority under the Ministry of Health. Following the establishment of the Maldives Food and Drug Authority by the President Dr Muizzu, the Maldives Food and Drug Authority, previously under the Ministry of Health, has been abolished. All correspondence addressed to the Maldives Food and Drug Authority shall use the number 182 in the numbering system for state agencies.

The former Maldives Food and Drug Authority was established in 2006 by the then President of the Maldives. Even then, the MFDA sets and enforces food and drug standards. Although its activities have expanded, it has not gained much legal authority. So far, the MFDA has been bringing unsafe products to the attention of the public banning import and sales of those products. However, it does not have the legal authority to enforce such orders.

Likewise, food outlets are inspected but no action is taken against illegal establishments. The power granted to MFDA to inspect food preparation facilities and shutdown facilities that do not meet MFDA standards has been severely restricted. It also did not have the power to monitor the production and sale of food on a large scale except for establishments registered as businesses, cafes, hotels and restaurants.

However, under the newly enacted Food Safety Act, recall notices are now issued to withdraw items from the market, once it is deemed unsafe by the FDA. Failure to do so would result in fines between USD 651.49 to USD 65,149. With the new act, the FDA will be empowered to inspect food manufacturers, sellers, and storage facilities and act against non-compliant facilities, as well as establish a system to monitor law enforcement.

In addition, a Director General will be appointed under the law to run the MFDA. The Director General will be accountable to the Minister of Health, for decisions taken by the Authority regarding its responsibilities to ensure the safety of food.