
Maldives condemns Israeli plan for synagogue at Al-Aqsa Mosque

The Maldives has strongly condemned and denounced the recent statement by an Israeli Minister calling for the construction of a synagogue inside the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Al-Aqsa Mosque holds immense spiritual and historical significance for over 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide. It is not only a revered place of worship, but also a symbol of Islamic heritage.

The Maldives calls on the government of Israel to respect the historical and legal status of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in accordance with international law and relevant United Nations resolutions. Such provocative statements made by senior officials of the Israeli Government undermines the efforts to reach a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and has the potential of fuelling religious conflict and causing further instability in the Middle East region.

Furthermore, the Maldives calls on the international community to urgently intervene to prevent any action that could change the legal status of Jerusalem and its holy sites and take all necessary measures to protect the rights of the Palestinian people. It stands in firm solidarity with the Palestinian people in the pursuit of their inherent right to self-determination, reiterating its calls for the establishment of a sovereign and independent State of Palestine, as per the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.