
Housekeeping services added to WAMCO portfolio

The Waste Management Corporation (WAMCO) has extended its services by adding the housekeeping service to its portfolio. WAMCO noted that the newly introduced HOBA service is targeted to government institutions, state-owned companies, agencies, private offices and buildings.

Noting that four places has signed up for the WAMCO housekeeping services so far, the corporation notes that the aim of the service expansion is to make the company more profitable. Currently, WAMCO is providing the service to the Attorney General's Office, the Hajj Corporation, the Maldives Ports Limited and H.Muraidhooge.

Noting that the corporation aims to expand its services, WAMCO disclosed that discussions are underway with seven additional places to provide housekeeping services. It also noted that the customers have highlighted that service fee is low compared to the waste disposal fee.

WAMCO notes that the house keeping service is provided with trained staff. It notes that the number of days to provide the service and the prices will be determined based on the needs of the customers.