
First Lady meets with WAGGGS Asia Pacific Committee

First Lady and Chief Guide of the Maldives, Madam Sajidha Mohamed has held a meeting with members of the Asia Pacific Committee of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). The meeting took place at the Official Residence of the President, Muleeaage.

During the meeting, the First Lady extended a warm welcome to the committee members, who in turn, recognised her active involvement in Girl Guide activities and her unwavering support as Chief Guide. The First Lady expressed her pride in the achievements of the Girl Guiding movement in the Maldives and reiterated her commitment to its continued success.

The discussions centered around the challenges and obstacles faced by the movement, with a focus on identifying opportunities for enhancement and development. Key issues highlighted included the need for adequate facilities, the pressing requirement for a dedicated campsite, and the necessity for comprehensive training and programs for youth engagement.

The meeting concluded with the exchange of commemorative gifts between the First Lady and the members of the Asia Pacific Committee.