
"Past failures in law enforcement are no excuse for inaction now"

Controller General of Immigration Mohamed Shamaan Waheed has stated that the failure of execution of laws previously, is no excuse for inaction now.

In a social media post, Controller General Shamaan highlighted that the constitution and laws were not drafted to meet the needs of certain individuals, but to safeguard and protect the rights of all residents equally. Therefore, he noted that the implementation of laws may trouble some individuals. Underscoring the need to enforce the laws, despite the failure of implementation previously, Shamaan affirmed the Maldives Immigrations' commitment to fulfil all its responsibilities and duties effectively, as outlined by the legislations.

While Shamaan has made the statement, affirming the implementation of laws, the Immigration is actively working to resolve the issue of illegal immigrants residing in the Maldives. Under these efforts, it has launched a special operation to determine immigrants without valid documentations, halting business operations conducted by such immigrants illegally. Shamaan also revealed plans to expand this operation across the atolls and islands as well.

Resolving the issue of illegal immigrants is one of the top priorities of the government. As such, it has been exerting efforts to collect information of immigrants living in inhabitant islands, resorts, industrial islands and islands designated for agricultural purposes.