
Gov't decides to award all Huffaz with National Awards

The government has decided to confer National Awards to Huffaz (individuals who have memorised the Holy Quran), regardless of the rank.

Speaking to PSM News, Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed stated that the National Awards were previously conferred to Huffaz who complete the memorisation of the Holy Quran in the first rank. However, the minister announced the government's decision to award Huffaz with the National Awards, regardless of the rank. He revealed that President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu gives a special priority to encourage individuals to memorise the Holy Quran.

Following this decision, a total of 25 Huffaz will receive the award this year, during the ceremony held to commemorate the day Maldives embraced Islam. This day falls on October 5. Huffaz have been awarded a special medal since the tenure of Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. The decision to only award Huffaz who complete memorising the Holy Quran at the highest level, was made by the previous administration.