
Gov't establishing a system to fund organisations promoting religious awareness

Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has revealed that the government is undertaking various initiatives to establish a framework for providing financial support to social and religious organisations.

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony of the annual conference of religious and social organisations, Minister Dr. Shaheem stated that several organisations running religious programmes in various locations of the Maldives, have sought financial aid from the Ministry of Islamic Affairs. Therefore, the minister emphasised the need to create a dedicated system to facilitate the distribution of these funds.

Acknowledging the works of such organisations, Minister Dr. Shaheem underscored the crucial importance of expanding the roles of such organisations. The minister pointed out the absence of Quran classes and religious awareness activities on some islands, underscoring the need for the establishment of organisations in these areas and the strengthening of existing ones.

Furthermore, Minister Dr. Shaheem highlighted the importance of ensuring better document monitoring, to ensure that the system to provide funds operates sustainably and efficiently. He reaffirmed the ministry's commitment to supporting these organisations by allocating a portion of its budget for this purpose.

The annual conference was attended by 98 representatives from 70 organisations, with some participating in person and others joining virtually. The conference will provide updates on ongoing efforts to boost religious awareness, identify changes needed to improve the spread of the religion, and offer insights into enhancing religious awareness through legal and regulatory measures. The event will conclude with an agreement between the ministry and the organisations aimed at increasing religious awareness and providing financial assistance.