
USD 30 million granted as student loans: Minister Dr. Mariya

Minister of Higher Education, Labour and Skills Development Dr. Mariyam Mariya has revealed that a total of USD30.6 million has been granted for student loans.

Speaking at a press conference held at the President's Office, Minister Dr. Mariya stated that loans were being processed continuously, regardless of the concerns raised by individuals stating that there are delays. As such, the minister disclosed that a total of USD 30.6 million have been granted for student loans so far this year. She further revealed that the delays in loan processing were due to some administrative challenges.

Student loan opportunities are provided by the government every six months. Therefore, the Ministry of Higher Education, Labour and Skills Development requires students to submit relevant documents from the university students are enrolled, to confirm that they are continuing their higher studies. Minister Dr. Mariya stated that some students submit documents without giving the ministry adequate time to complete the process of issuing loans.

During the press briefing, Minister of State for Higher Education, Labour and Skills Development Dr. Abdul Raheem Hassan shed light on the process of issuing loans for the students seeking higher education for the first time. State Minister Dr. Abdul Raheem stated that students are given an 18-month period to commence studies, after they are informed that they will be receiving the loan. He stressed that some students submit relevant documents from the university, without giving the ministry sufficient time.

Furthermore, State Minister Dr. Abdul Raheem disclosed that a total of 214 students will be departing this month, to seek higher education abroad, for the first time. He revealed that the loans were processed for only 74 students, despite the majority of the students completing the necessary tasks for the loans to be processed.

According to the ministry, a total of USD11.7 million are yet to be processed as loans this year. However, it assured that the funds will be secured for all students seeking higher education under the loan scheme and scholarships.