
President calls on world leaders to move beyond crafting visions

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has called on world leaders to move beyond crafting visions.

Delivering the remarks at the plenary of the Summit of the Future, President Dr. Muizzu called for action that produces real outcomes rather than resolutions that often gather dust. "It is time for the multilateral system to produce tangible results," he said. Highlighting the adoption of the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS and the upcoming outcome documents from the Summit, he emphasised the time has come for these visions to be realized, declaring, "it is time to deliver."

Furthermore, the president stated for a transformation of the multilateral system from a distant, abstract entity into a dynamic force that delivers tangible results for the people it serves. In his address, President Muizzu outlined a bold vision for empowering youth, combating climate change, and reforming global financing systems to address the pressing challenges of today and tomorrow.

In the three-point plan delivered, President Muizzu first underscored the importance of empowering young people, noting the youth are both shaping today’s world and will lead tomorrow's. "In the Maldives, we’re investing in cutting-edge digital infrastructure to ensure every young person has access to the latest technologies," he shared, envisioning a future where digital innovation drives economic opportunity and social equity.

The second pillar of his speech focused on the urgent need to combat climate change, which President Muizzu called the greatest threat to both present and future generations. He reaffirmed the Maldives’ commitment to achieving a net-zero, climate-resilient future and called on all countries to honour their commitments on climate adaptation, mitigation, and ocean protection. "Ignoring the 1.5°C target is not an option," he stressed.

President Muizzu’s third proposal centered on financing as the key to turning aspirations into reality. He called for a fairer global financial system, noting that the Maldives has experienced the imbalances firsthand. He emphasised the need for "adequate, predictable, and sustainable development and climate financing," and demanded a financial system that works for everyone.

Concluding his speech, President Muizzu urged world leaders to act with courage in addressing global challenges, including the war in Gaza and granting full UN membership to the State of Palestine. "Future generations will judge our legacy not by the processes we initiate but by the concrete actions we take," he said, reaffirming the Maldives’ commitment to building a brighter future for all.