
AEH inaugurates Patient Safety Committee and Patient Safety Strategic Plan

First Lady Sajidha Mohamed has inaugurated the Patient Safety Committee and Patient Safety Strategic Plan of Addu Equatorial Hospital (AEH). The inauguration took place during the National Patient Safety Conference 2024. The closing ceremony of the conference was held in the National College of Policing and Law Enforcement, Addu City, and was graced by the presence of the first lady.

In the closing ceremony of the conference, a special panel discussion focusing on the safety of patients was held. The discussions provided significant information on the current efforts exerted to ensure patient safety, the challenges in ensuring the safety of patients, and potential solutions to address the issues.

During the ceremony, the Patient Safety Committee and the Patient Safety Strategic Plan of AEH were inaugurated. First Lady Sajidha presented the pins to the 12 members of the committee. The committee was established with an aim of ensuring the safety of patients, investigate the cases and complaints filed against the services provided and to make important decisions.

Furthermore, the ceremony also saw the officiation of the Advance Wound Care Management treatment system. The system was inaugurated by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of AEH Ibrahim Yasir Ahmed.

The National Patient Safety Conference 2024 was organised by the AEH in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO). The Representative of WHO Dr. Padmal de Silva also participated in the conference.