
Drugs worth USD 21 Million seized; 48 police officers disciplined

Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihsan has announced that drugs valued at USD 21 million have been seized over the past 11 months, underscoring the serious drug crisis in the Maldives. During a recent press conference at the President’s Office, Minister Ihsan emphasized the collaborative efforts being undertaken with various agencies to address this pressing issue.

The minister revealed a significant operation against narcotics involving multiple government institutions. This initiative resulted in the confiscation of 177 kilograms of drugs and over 8,300 bottles and cans of alcoholic beverages, reflecting the alarming extent of substance abuse in the country.

Commissioner of Police Ali Shuja'u elaborated on the extensive police efforts to combat drug-related offenses. He reported that 355 drug cases have been investigated and forwarded to the prosecutor's office, alongside 155 drug-related operations conducted in urban and provincial areas. More than 12,000 premises have been searched, leading to over 900 arrests, including 145 foreigners who have been referred to immigration authorities.

Furthermore, Minister Ihsan reiterated the government’s commitment to finding a sustainable solution to the drug crisis during the current presidential term. A crucial aspect of this effort involves amending existing laws, with two drug-related bills submitted to the Attorney General's office and expected to be presented to Parliament shortly.

He also introduced the "Hope Island" initiative, which aims to protect children from criminal influences, with a funding proposal to be submitted to the Economic Council next week. To support youth struggling with addiction, the minister announced that operations would commence in urban market areas to direct individuals in need to remand centers.

Additionally, Commissioner Shuja'u reported that disciplinary action has been taken against 48 police officers as of September this year, highlighting the importance of transparency in police matters. A total of 48 officers have been arrested this year, with 17 subsequently dismissed from service.

The Commissioner also noted ongoing recruitment efforts, with over 360 new officers currently undergoing training. The Maldives Police Service is actively enhancing its operational capacity by providing necessary resources and expanding training initiatives to ensure public safety and effectively combat crime.