
President urges peaceful resolution to political issues

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom today called for peaceful resolution of the country’s political issues. 

He made the call in his address to the nation on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr.

Acknowledging that it was the duty of every leader to bring happiness and progress to the people, the President stated that his intention of taking office was not to challenge other leaders but to face and deliver on the challenges to the nation such as solving the issues facing the health sector, curbing the issue of drug addiction among our youngsters, fostering greater peace; prosperity and security, eliminating acts of senseless violence, protecting our faith in Islam, ushering in development wherever it is needed in the country, providing feasible housing solutions, establishing clean water & sanitation systems, strengthening the education system and more – in short; a focus on delivering on all the challenges facing the nation at this time. 

He highlighted his cabinet’s tireless efforts to achieve these challenges and said that, with the grace of Allah, he was heartened to note that the administration was delivering on a multitude of these issues.Acknowledging that his administration had seen three Vice Presidents and as many Defence Ministers as well as several changes in cabinet positions the President added that the Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) was the largest political movement in the nation and that this was a time for the party to come together, rather than slide back to the uncertainty of four years ago, and to deliver on meaningful change for the nation – to move forward through clear dialogue and mutual counsel.

The President also spoke on the implementation of the death penalty, saying that while he moved forward with a heavy heart and with scrutiny from the international community; he was steadfast in his belief that it served the greater good for the safety and protection of our society.

He added that the country was facing added international scrutiny because of leaders of political parties being sentenced by the courts, and that while the administration cannot and should not influence the judiciary, that justice should not elude those with higher influence.

The President concluded his address with a supplication to the almighty to guide him, and the nation, in the journey towards national progress.