
Syrian gov't. forces encircle rebel-held parts of Aleppo

Syrian government forces took a step towards completely encircling rebel-held parts of Aleppo on capturing ground overlooking the only road into the opposition half of the city and effectively putting those areas under siege. The army's advance towards the Castello Road, which brought it to within its firing range, came during a 72-hour ceasefire announced by the Syrian army on Wednesday.

Pro-rebel activist media posted footage on social media which purported to show government airstrikes pounding suburbs near the Castello Highway. Rebels said they were fighting to retake lost positions and re-secure the road. Its capture brings the Syrian government closer to its long-standing objective of encircling rebel-held areas of the northern city.

Aleppo, which was Syria's largest city before the civil war with a population of more than two million people, has been divided for years into rebel and government sectors.

Heavy aerial and artillery bombardment had at times made the Castello Road impassable. But Thursday's advance brings government forces the closest so far to the road, making it even easier to hit and effectively cutting off the opposition-held sector of the city near the Turkish border.