
Mayor of Sozhuo calls on Vice President

Mayor of the Chinese City of Suzhou Qu Futian on Thursday paid a courtesy call on Vice President Abdulla Jihad.

During the call held this morning, the Vice President highlighted that 2016 marks the 44th anniversary since bilateral relations were established between Maldives and China. The Vice President and the Suzhou Mayor discussed further strengthening the existing ties between the two nations in tourism, commerce, culture, education and health.

img:|Vice President Abdulla Jihad (R) meeting with the Mayor Suzhou Qu Futian - Photo: President's Office

Speaking during the meeting, Vice President Abdulla Jihad noted that China is one of the largest markets for Maldivian Tourism, highlighted that regular flights between the two countries, with an effort to increase such flights, could potentially increase opportunities for Chinese tourists to visit the Maldives.

The Mayor of Suzhou indicated that the number of tourists from China, to the Maldives, had almost doubled between 2014 and 2015, and the Vice President expressed his hope that the number would increase significantly this year. The Vice President and the Mayor also discussed climate change and the importance of working together in order to overcome such challenges.