
Police mark Memorial Day

Home Minister Ahmed Zuhoor on Saturday assured his commitment to facilitate cooperation between the Government and Maldives Police Service, and strengthen police welfare services.

He made the statement addressing the special function held in Iskandar Building to commemorate Police Memorial Day, which is an annual nation-wide event which aims to remember, honour and pay respects to police officers who lost their lives in the line of duty.

The day is marked on July 23 annually, and honours the death of Sergeant Adam Haleem, who passed away following an assault on July 23, 2012.

The function held to commemorate Police Memorial Day was held at Iskandar Building. The Guest of Honour of the ceremony was Home Minister Ahmed Zuhoor.

Speaking about the current state of the society, which the Home Minister said was overtaken by strife and discord, Zuhoor urged police officers to stand steadfast in upholding the Constitution, laws and their oath. He also urged police officers to be wary of attempts to sow discord within their ranks.

Highlighting the role and responsibilities of police officers in maintaining peace and harmony, the Home Minister expressed the Government’s continued gratitude and appreciation for the police service. He also assured the Government’s commitment to strengthening of the organisation.

Addressing the function, Commissioner of Police Ahmed Areef highlighted the roles and responsibilities of police officers. He also called on police officers to uphold the law and regulations.

The ceremony saw a minute of silence to honour police officers who had fallen in the line of duty.