
Ooredoo Smart Campus launched at Maldives Polytechnic

Ooredoo Maldives on Sunday, in partnership with Microsoft in Education, introduced Ooredoo Smart Campus at the Maldives Polytechnic.

The service was officially inaugurated with the signing of an agreement by Dr. Aishath Shiham, Minister of Education, and Vikram Singh, Chief Executive Officer of Ooredoo Maldives.

Citing challenges faced in providing quality education in an island nation like the Maldives, Dr. Shiham said the Smart Campus will alleviate a number of difficulties in this endeavour.

img:|Education Minister Dr. Aishath Shiham speaking at function held to inaugurate Ooredoo Smart Campus - Photo: PSM News

She said that “with the collaboration of Ooredoo Maldives and Microsoft in Education, modern technological advancements will be utilised in providing quality higher education for the youth across the country”.

Citing the increase in number of youth enrolling in technical and vocational training programmes, the Education Minister said that “the Government’s higher education and training aspirations has gained the trust of parents and students alike”.

“A total of 2,085 students are currently enrolled in technical and vocational training programmes. The Ministry is making arrangements to new students who wish to enrol in the programmes,” she added.

img:|Vikram Singh, CEO of Ooredoo Maldives, speaking at function held to inaugurate Ooredoo Smart Campus - Photo: PSM News

Speaking at the function, Vikram Sigh noted the number of youth deprived of their right to higher education and training in different parts of the world.

He said, the Ooredoo Smart Campus digital solution will connect students of Maldives Polytechnic across the country, opening new avenues for sustainable education.

img:|Don Carlson, Education Director of Microsoft Asia Pacific, speaking at function held to inaugurate Ooredoo Smart Campus - Photo: PSM News

Speaking at the function, Don Carlson, Education Director of Microsoft Asia Pacific assured Microsoft’s continued assistance in enhancing education opportunities in the Maldives.

According to Ooredoo Maldives, the Smart Campus is a customised platform which would improve communication between students and teachers, enabling improvement of their study life and student management.

The Smart Campus comes with free data packages, to educational institutions and students living in long distances, in addition to Microsoft licenses issued to students and teachers, the company said.

Maldives Polytechnic said the Smart Campus services would be provided to students for free.

Three packages of the Smart Campus was launched today, inclusive of free internet connectivity.