
ADK signs MOU under accreditation bid

ADK Hospital on Wednesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Qualitat Medicare to get accreditation for National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare providers of India.

The MoU was signed at a ceremony held at the hospital Wednesday.

Ahmed Afaal, Managing Director of ADK Hospital, said he believes that getting an international accreditation would ensure even better patient care and the consistency of services.

“This step would officially bring the hospital up to par with those institutions in the neighbouring countries that Maldivians go to seek healthcare,” he said.

NABH is a quality recognition to healthcare organizations by the official body entrusted to that purpose in India.  

It is issued based on fulfilment of accreditation standards by the healthcare organisation, demonstrated through an independent external peer assessment of organisation’s level of performance in relation to NABH standards.

Under the signed MOU, the NABH would provide technical, academic and professional support to ADK hospital in reaching the NABH standards.

ADK says accreditation ensures a transparent system of ethical management control over the entire hospital and it assures that the accredited healthcare facility constantly maintains the accredited standards during its validity period.