
WHO-SEAR confers recognition awards

The World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office for South-East Asia (SEAR) on Tuesday conferred awards of recognition to member states for their public health achievements, at a ceremony held on the sidelines of the 69th Session of WHO-SEAR being held at Galle Face Hotel in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Speaking at the event Dr. Poonam Kethrapal Singh, WHO Regional Director for South-East Asia, praised member countries for their remarkable public health achievements. All 11 member countries received the recognition for making SEAR the second WHO region to eliminate Maternal and Neonatal tetanus (MNT).

Awards were conferred to the Maldives for achieving elimination of MNTs, Filaria and Malaria. Sri Lanka received awards for eliminating MNTs, lymphatic filaria and Malaria.

India was conferred awards for eliminating MNTs and YAWS, Indonesia for eliminating MNTs, and Thailand an award for eliminating mother to child transmission of HIV and Syphilis.

Speaking at the event, Dr. Kethrapal applauded the region for all its achievements and expressed hope to see more such changes in the future.