
MDP protests against food subsidy cuts

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) held a protest Friday night to voice its disapproval of the government’s decision cut food subsidies.

The demonstration was held at the Carnival Area, which is the only venue where political activities are allowed without prior approval from the Home Ministry as per a recent amendment to the Freedom of Peaceful Assembly Act.

Addressing the gathering, senior party leaders cricitised the government’s decisions and policies.

They also called on the government to reverse its decision to cut food subsidisidies.

Before the implementation of the policy, the Government had been contributing 65 to 70% of funds required to import staple foods through State Trading Organisation (STO).

Under the revised policy, each eligible individual will receive MVR40 per month as food subsidy.

With the implementation of the policy last Saturday, the price of rice rose from MVR3.98 to MVR7.96 a kilo.

The prices of flour and sugar also rose from MVR2.96 to MVR5.96 per kilo, and from MVR4 to MVR8 a kilo respectively.

The Government spends around MVR310 million on food subsidies every year.