
Pakistan Ambassador praise health sector achievements by Maldives

Maldivian government is very conscious of improving healthcare facilities said Ambassador of Pakistan to Maldives (Retired) Vice Admiral Syed Khawar Ali Shah, praising the country for having one of the highest health insurance coverage worldwide.

Speaking on PSM News' talk show "Talk Maldives" Ambassador of Pakistan to Maldives (Retired) Vice Admiral Syed Khawar Ali Shah highlighted the long standing relations between the two countries, noting that this year will mark the 51st anniversary since the countries established diplomatic relations.

Pakistan was the second country to establish a mission in the Maldives and also the first to establish a bank from a foreign country in the Maldives, he said. The Ambassador noted that the two previous and current administrations have taken Maldives from a low income to middle income country. Noting the many ongoing developmental projects, Ambassador Shah said that Pakistan will assist Maldives in which ever area that the government of Maldives requires. He praised the government for prioritizing health sector development and noted the high medical health coverage provided by the government.

Ambassador Shah said that historically, their focus had been on medical education. He further said that Pakistan have and will continue to assist Maldives to further expand and improve the health sector.

"And we understand that Maldives spends, quite a lot, one of the highest in the world on health coverage, the government is very conscious in improving the health facilities. Government has taken IGMH to world-class level. And we are hoping that Maldives will, insha allah, very soon have a medical college, this will save your students and your government lots of foreign exchange and unnecessary expenses. And with these facilities and the doctors being locally educated, in the future also this will improve your health sector many fold" Ambassador of Pakistan to Maldives (Retired) Vice Admiral Syed Khawar Ali Shah said.   

Referring to numerous scholarship opportunities offered by Pakistan government, Pakistani Ambassador stated the country provides scholarships not only in the field of medicine, but also in other areas.

He said Maldivian medical students are the only students exempt from sitting for SAT exams.

"Government of Pakistan had put a restriction on students which are coming to Pakistan from world over, to go for a SAT exam. Maldives last year became the only country to get a waiver. And now the Maldivian medical students can go to top medical colleges without going to SAT exams. We have approached lot of medical colleges, they are also eager to take medical students. Right now there are like 15 Maldivian students in Pakistan. Hopefully from this year onwards we will start to increase it to much more.  Any student who wants to go to Pakistan, in arts medical, we send your delegations to Pakistan also, medical education and artists also" Ambassador Shah noted. 

Speaking about Pakistan's work in assisting Maldives establish a medical college in the country, Ambassador Shah said that a very famous doctor from Pakistan visited the Maldives and worked with the Health Ministry in this project. He referred to the findings of the Pakistani medical expert.

"His finding is that Maldives is ready for a medical college, according to him, he has given a study which the Ministry of health is working on it. He said that Medical College should have been established like two  three years ago. Because your hospital has been upgraded to such a high standard by the present government, that there is no reason why a medical college cannot be run very successfully in the Maldives." Admiral Shah said.

During the program, the Pakistani Ambassador also expressed pleasure in the fact that the relations between Pakistan and Maldives have gone from strength to strength throughout the years.