
Special consultation arrangements made at IGMH

Indhira Ghandi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) announces on Friday that special arrangements were being made to provide consultations services to patients visiting Malé during the school holidays.

During the school holidays thousands of people travel to Malé for various reasons, with many coming in for medical care. 

IGMH said that it is getting ready for the influx of patients during the holiday period.

Scouts will work to provide assistance to patients, it added.

It has also made arrangement to book appointments using a wait list, and urged patients to book their appointments prior to travelling to Malé.

The state-run hospital said the influx of patients during the holidays is one of the many challenges it faces, and that special arrangements are being made to alleviate difficulties faced by patients.

IGMH further advised the public to bring as few individuals as possible with the patients for their appointments.