
President Yameen congratulates new US President-elect

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom on Wednesday sent a congratulatory message to the new President-elect of the United States of America, Donald Trump, following his victory in Tuesday’s election.

In his message, the President extended congratulations to Trump on his victory and wished him success as he prepares to take up the challenging responsibilities of the high office.

The Maldives and the United States enjoy warm relations of friendship and understanding based on mutual respect and goodwill, President Yameen said, and he remains confident that the existing ties of friendship and cooperation between the two countries will continue and further strengthen under Trump’s leadership.

The President also said he looks forward to working with Trump “not only to develop closer relations between the two countries but also to concert on advancement of global interests common to both countries.”

Trump won the US presidential election in a stunning victory that sent shockwaves around the world.

The Republican took the key swing states of Florida, North Carolina and Ohio early this morning, as he marched towards the White House. He won 289 electoral votes and 47.5% of the popular vote while Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton won 218 electoral votes and 47.6% percent of the popular vote.