
Maldives marks 48th Republic Day

The Maldives became a Republic on November 11, 1968. Each year, the day is marked as Republic Day. On Friday, the country marked its 48th Republic Day.

The country’s journey towards a republic began April 7, 1943 with the abdication of Sultan Hassan Nooruddin and the resignation of Prime Minister Al-Ameer Hassan Fareed Didi.  From then on, the Maldives was without a ruler until April 11, 1943. The people then asked Sumuhvul-Ameer Abdul Majeed Rannabandeyri Kilegefaanu to take over the throne. Since he was abroad at that time and unable to takeover, senior statesmen discussed and agreed that Al-Ameer Mohamed Ameen Dhoshimeyna Kilegefaanu should rule over the Maldives.

Given the internal political turmoil, Al-Ameer Mohamed Ameen refused to accept the throne, prompting further discussion on a way to hand over power to Al-Ameer Mohamed Ameen. An 8-member committee was set up to work out the details of the handover, and it sent a report to Parliament proposing that the Maldives should become a republic.

Parliament accepted the committee’s proposal and a national referendum was held across the Maldives on April 17, 1952. Over 90% of the people wanted the country to become a republic with Al-Ameer Mohamed Ameen as the President. The Maldives was declared a republic on January 1, 1953, with Al-Ameer Mohamed Ameen as President. Less than 8 months into his presidency, the people overthrew the republic and restored the Sultanate.

About 15 years later, Maldivians once again wanted the country to become a republic. Following a referendum on November 11, 1968, the Maldives declared the second Republic with Sumuhvul-Ameer Ibrahim Nasir as President. He served two terms as President and was replaced on November 11, 1978 by Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, whose presidency lasted 30 years.

In 2008, the Maldives held its first ever multi-party elections, electing Mohamed Nasheed as President. He resigned on the February 7, 2012 and was succeeded by his Vice-President Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik. The country’s next presidential election was held in 2013 and Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom was sworn in as the fifth president of the second Republic on November 17, 2013.