
All Maldivians have equal stake in shaping the nation: President

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has said that the Maldives is not reflective of just one individual; that the Maldives will be moulded by all Maldivians collectively. He made the statement while speaking at the official Republic Day function held on Thursday evening at Dharubaaruge.

In his address, the President stated that a Republic belongs to the citizens and that the responsibility of governance did not belong to the elected leaders alone. Affirming that any Republic places emphasis on its people and that enabling a good citizenry was crucial to the nation, he expressed hope that each Maldivian would continue to play their part in nation building.

The President added that it was important to bridge the political differences dividing the nation so as to unite all Maldivians and that it was vital to uphold the rule of law; that political leaders should accept such realities rather than prioritising one’s personal interests.

In his speech, President Yameen highlighted the main reasons for leaving the Commonwealth; that no foreign body should have sway over domestic issues, adding that though Maldives was small it was a proud nation.

He highlighted that it was vital for every individual to work to better themselves and thus contribute collectively towards a more harmonious society; and for every citizen to give due importance to national peace.

What is most important, on Republic Day, is to appreciate and commemorate the services of individuals by celebrating their contributions to society with due recognition, the President said, as he congratulated the award winners and thanked them for their services to the nation.